星期一, 11月 05, 2007

961103Cindy— The first chair of region band

BubbleShare: Share photos - Thanksgivingtime!

Yesterday, Friday, I had my first region band try out. I worked really hard on the music, but still I got nervous really bad! I was in the A group. We had to play our xylophone piece first. I was glad because I knew all the notes and even memorized it. I played just well; I only missed one note on the song! Then we had to go to another room for the snare drum try out. I did pretty well on the snare drum too! I rolled good and I successfully showed the dynamics! When the results came out, I was crying because I was the second chair on the sheet!! Some of my friends cried too, but it was different. They were crying because they did not make it. I felt so bad for them. They worked so hard on their music. By the time I got home, it was 10:00.
The next day, we were racing for what chair are you and what band are you going to be. Either is Symphonic Band, Concert Band, or District Band. We had to play snare drum, xylophone, and timpani. I played really good on those instruments. When they put the results on, I was shocked because I could not believe I was the first chair in the Symphonic Band! My friends ran in to me and hugged me. They were glad that I made it. Those people who made the other chairs in other school were very surprised because they didn’t know that I was in sixth grade. They came and gave me some high fives.

7 則留言:

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Peter 提到...

Cindy 你真是太棒了! 而且棒得很誇張!

匿名 提到...

來插ㄍ花!11/9日我要代表東信比2000米接力!迎向第一! 田心好屌喔.....! 融

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匿名 提到...

To 融:
Go! Go! Go!
You can do it!

Peter 提到...

跟你的教練說為了避免有人壞了整鍋粥, 還是讓你一個人跑完吧, 別接力了.

Sherry Tien 提到...

田心真是個全方位的才女, 遠在台南的我們與有榮焉!希望妳時時能以快樂的心情持續這種學習力, 積極為自己創造下一次的佳績....